Volume 3: This DVD is intended for entertainers and balloon workers who wish to learn weaving techniques. Weaving is an incredibly useful tool which will enable you to widen your range of models: from hats and baskets to full size cars! Contents: We start with a look at basic weaving methods, making a Basket of Fruit. You are then shown how to adapt this technique to make a Birthday Cake and a Top Hat (with Rabbit). Variations are illustrated as David makes a Jack in the Box, and then shows you his superb Motorbike. To illustrate the versatility of weaving the video finishes with an extensive Bonus Section, showing a Galleon, Balloon Fashion (Hats, Skirts and Tops), a Racing Car, full size Vintage Car, more Hats and Magic Wand, Biplane, Jack in the Box (13ft tall), Christmas Tree (with lights), a Walk-Round Car you can wear, and his incredible Carousel. Please note that 80% of each sale is given to David’s family.